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Testing for HIV

There are lots of reasons to test for HIV

No Matter the result #BetterToKnow

  • HIV can affect anyone.
  • Anyone who is sexually active should have an HIV test.
  • Certain conditions can be a warning sign for HIV.  These include cervical or anal dysplasia (abnormal cells), unexplained weight loss, pneumonia, chronic diarrhoea, shingles, oral thrush, certain blood test abnormalities, skin conditions and cancers. Your GP or other healthcare professional may advise you to have an HIV test if you have one of these conditions.
  • HIV is easily treated. When on effective treatment there is no risk of passing HIV on to sexual partners.

Testing is free and confidential. You can request an easy-to-use postal kit to test at home or come to one of our clinics. See:

STI tests

No matter the result, we are here to provide care and support.

For more information about HIV testing, visit Testing for HIV – Terrence Higgins Trust.
