Our services are open to everyone, regardless of age. We run under-18s drop-in sessions at our Oxford (Churchill Hospital) clinic and Didcot clinic or you can book a telephone appointment with a member of our team.
We do not routinely pass on information to anyone outside the Sexual Health Service (such as your parents, teachers, GP/family doctor or social worker). If you are 13 or above, you have the same rights to confidentiality as an adult.
We ask all young people some questions about their safety. If we are concerned about you, we may have to talk to other professionals who could offer further support. We would always do our best to discuss the options with you.
When you use our services, we try to help you with all your sexual health or contraceptive needs. This includes ensuring you feel safe in your life and with any sexual partner.
If you have worries about unhealthy, exploitative or abusive relationships, please talk to us. We will listen to you.
Useful links
There are a number of organisations and websites that provide information and support:
- oxme.info
Oxfordshire County Council’s website for young people, which includes information about opportunities, activities and services for children and young people in Oxfordshire. - Safe! Support for young people affected by crime
For young people aged 8-25 and living in the Thames Valley who have been hurt by crime including sexual assault, bullying, domestic violence and cyber crime. They offer help to build confidence and one-to-one sessions with a professional worker at school, home, community centre. - Step Out (Donnington Doorstep)
Specialised support for young people, at risk, involved in or survivors of child sexual exploitation. The project aims to enable young people at risk to make informed choices, to be able to have appropriate, healthy and safe relationships, as well as awareness raising. - Young Carers Service – tel 01865 777 224
Oxfordshire Young Carers supports children and young people up to age 25 whose life is impacted by the responsibility of care for an adult or sibling. - Brook
Sexual health and wellbeing for under 25s. - Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse
A charity dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of women, men and children at risk through domestic abuse. - School and college health nurses – contraception outreach
For young people up to and including 19 years of age who are in mainstream education settings in Oxfordshire or under the employment, education and training (EET) team. Includes contraception, emergency hormonal contraception, pregnancy testing, chlamydia testing and treatment. For more information, see School Health Nurses (Oxford Health) and College Nurses (Oxford Health). - Topaz – Oxford
Topaz is a social group for 13-18 year olds who identify as LGBTI+ (and their parents/guardians).